Ch Dykinta Northern Laddie CD RAE RM NRA
Aust Ch Dykinta Northern Laddie CD RA RN RE RAE RM NRA
"Laddie" Laddie has Hip Score 6/6 Total of 12 Laddie has Clear Eye Tests Laddie has Clear Heart Test Semen Available!!! Laddie is a Multi Group Winner, Best of Breed Winner, Class in show winner, CD Obedience winner, Rally O Advance titled and Harvikgold's first Dual Titled Dog. He has clear heart, clear eyes and has been hip scored. Laddie is a son of our Aust Ch Fernamber Apparition. We are looking forward to an exciting time in both showing and obedience with this young dog. Laddie is well on his way to his grandchampionship title. News Flash!!! Laddie gains his Rally Advanced title!!! Laddie gains his Rally O Novice Title!!! Two weeks after Laddie gains his CD Title he wins runner up in Group At Coonabarabran Kennel Club, Once again proving what a versatile dog he is. Laddie Achieves his next level in obedience and is now is a CD Dog Laddie wins the Gundog Group at Dorrigo Judge Mr A McQuire (QLD) Laddie wins his fourth Gundog Group at Bangalow Judge Miss S Butler (NSW) Laddie wins his fifth Gundog Group at Wallamba Judge Mr J Bryson (NSW
Vickie Harris Kootingal, NSW, Australia Phone : 0407 837150 Email : [email protected] |